Monday, July 21, 2014

Why not here?

Another late post that has been sitting under my draft section. Preschool has been done since May and we're now in July but preschool has been a blessing so here were my thoughts when it was in session:

Oliver has been in preschool for a few months now and it has been so great for him, and myself truthfully.Not in the way I had imagined but it has been great. I have made such great friends with the moms and the kids' wonderful teacher.  The preschool has also been MOVED. It originally was held in the teacher's home, unfortunately, she had to stop hosting it. So I tell myself "well, why not here in my home." Now every morning when I ask Oliver get ready for school he says, "but it's already here!" He's such a funny kid. Mads just loves having it at home and the kids are all so sweet to her. During circle time the girls love to sit next to her. Melt my heart. Anyhow, I am so grateful for this preschool because I feel that it really is preparing Oliver for kindergarten, even if it is at home. I see him growing more and more each day and I am one proud Mama. He's kind and considerate, and a little spacey at times, but he's a good boy. I wish growing up didn't have to happen so quickly but it is what it is. The friends I have made with these moms shows me that my Heavenly Father is truly aware of me. Being so far from family makes it hard some days and these wonderful ladies help me feel a little closer to home with their silly humor and kindness. I really appreciate them and thank God that we've met.

Happy Halloween

Sad that this has taken me about 8 months to post this up but here it is. Halloween from LAST year. Pics soon to come if I can find any.

Halloween was fantastic. There was a Halloween party for preschool where the kids had a blast. They all get along so well that it was fun to see them play games and crafts together. My favorite was ghost, ghost, witch (like duck duck goose ^_^).  I think there was only one child that really knew how to play but most ended up running in circles. HAHA. I wish I had a video because it was awesome. Oh and we can't have a party without eating doughnuts on a string without hands, of course. Mads just grabbed it then dropped her hands quickly with a mischievous look in her eyes. One of the kids got pretty creative by getting the doughnut to lay on his chest so he can reach it without moving so much. Another was quite dedicated, no hands and last one standing, but she kept at it. Love these kids! After our party, a couple of the moms and I got together so our kids could go trick or treating. Luckily I made both kids take a nap before our candy trek and it was worth it.  We ended up with a pretty good loot. The neighborhood we went trick or treating had a much better Halloween spirit than ours. There was one street with a cul-de-sac that had all the neighbors together in the middle with a bonfire and a gazebo for a chili cook off that trick or treaters could help themselves to. It was really cool. It was hilarious too because one of Oliver's friend was getting really tired but the sound of chili gave her an extra skip in her step to keep on going. She's not willing to keep on trudging for candy, but for chili that's another story. It was really funny to watch. After begging for candy we came home and had some delicious hot apple cider waiting for us in the crockpot. The next day the kids didn't go too crazy with the candy which I was SOoooo grateful for because they can go nuts with just a small amount of sugar. Happy Halloween everybody. It had been a spooktacular night.