Sunday, June 16, 2013

So far so good

    Weston has completed two weeks of PA school and we have survived. Well it really hasn't been too bad since first week was mostly orientation. This last week, however, has been overwhelming sometimes for Weston, since they have started their anatomy boot camp. Needless to say I think he is doing a great job and it definitely will be an ongoing learning experience after the three weeks are over. We are all buckling down, mostly Weston, to allow some study time and getting used to him not being around as much. It's okay though, it's just for two years then we'll be done. Such an amazing feeling knowing there is an end. On the other hand, for me, I will be going back to school soon. I'm hoping to start some online classes this year after we get a better schedule and routine for the kids. It is yet to be determined what I will be studying, but I just need to get back into the groove of homework and such. Weston will be having his first exam on Monday so throw us good vibes his way, he'll appreciate it.
A part of his orientation was held in a nearby park
     The kids are enjoying their increase in running space that at times they don't know what to do with it. We somehow end up being cramped in a small room playing with toys those funny little tikes. When we do go outside I enjoy watching them play and skip and dig. We even had a time when we went outside and saw  our neighbor's outside cat hunching over something. So I went towards it and it had a dead baby rabbit! Oh the circle of life, right in our backyard. It was a good teaching moment. We've been biking to church which only takes us twenty minutes. When we arrived the first time we overheard a child say, 'oh that's dangerous!' Oops. We still do it but we will take the car (this is for the grandparents) if the weather doesn't permit us to do it safely. Overall, we are adjusting and enjoying our new adventures.



  1. I'm kind of jealous of your new adventure! And that's awesome that you're going to take classes again! Oh, and I just saw a mom and little girl who'd biked to the library like that today and was already thinking, "I want to do that," so I totally support you biking to church :) .

    1. Thanks for the support. It has been a lot of fun. Oliver loves it and would always rather take the car but Mads prefers the perks of the car- quick and air conditioned. It hard sometimes to not lean her way. :)
