Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pure Sugar Joy

Summer has come and ended but filled with lots of new memories. So over the next few posts I will try to go over all of favorite moments.

    First off lets start with Winston-Salem! Stephen, Deneka and Mama Beck came of visit us for a few days and we got to explore Winston-Salem with them.  We, of course, went to Krispey Kreme. After the kids had their first few bites it seemed as though sugar was directly poured into their system. Madeline and Oliver were smiling from ear to ear. With Madeline's small stature, the sugar hit her hard and fast. She just starts to spin, literally and then ran into a glass door! It was hilarious! We also got to see where Krispey Kreme had its first store and we found the kettle! We walked around Old Salem and tried their famous sugar cake. I don't think we capped our sugar limit yet though. Oliver also had the chance to show off his mad bicycle skills at the park and everyone were quite impressed. Oliver enjoyed have an audience.

Madeline eying the chocolate donut with sprinkles.

Happy child
               Craziness ensuing.

Pure sugar joy.

We found the kettle! Thanks Weston for finding it.

These were some tall corn stalks.